Voices for Freedom2024-02-18T17:18:02+13:00

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What do you do when public trust in the mainstream media is lost?

Start your own radio station, of course!

Have Your Say on the W.H.O.

Give feedback on the International Health Regulations amendments & Pandemic Agreement

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VFF ‘WINS’ By Numbers

Individuals assisted with legal helpline
Emails sent
Large signs printed
Flyers printed and delivered by hand
Local group nationwide silent pop-ups with our bright signs
Local group co-ordinators
Local group sign-ups
Combined webinar views


Check out the latest on the blog…

Four Wins for Sunday

Sometimes, with the hustle and bustle of running the Voices for Freedom and Reality Check Radio machines, it can be easy to

Freedom TV

Beaming into your lounge every Monday night – Set your alarm!

Are you feeling the need for a chat with like-minded peeps who understand that there is much to question about recent global actions? Yep, us too.

Well, we’ve had a fantastic idea! We’re going to beam down into your living room and keep you company.

Freedom TV is the intelligent, proactive, and curious person’s alternative to regular telly or mainstream streaming. It’s a place where we can broaden our knowledge, hear different viewpoints, and learn new skills to equip us for future challenges.

We chat with experts and everyday people from New Zealand and all over the world who share their perspectives about freedoms under pressure, international patterns & research in food, health, social, and financial systems, and everything in between!

We’re hoping the episodes will be a welcome panacea from the propaganda fed to us by mainstream media.

All you need is an internet connection and a device to tune in from and you’re good to go (no one else can see you in the audience, so you can relax & watch in peace). We look forward to seeing you at one of our regular Monday, Thursday, or Sunday sessions or a special broadcast in between.

Sign up to our mailing list to receive the weekly webinar guide to know what’s coming up!

FREEDOM TV with Special Guest - Dr. Peter McCullough
FREEDOM TV with Special Guest - RFK Jr.
FREEDOM TV with Special Guest - Zinzan & Ali Brooke
Check out VFF's Favourite Interviews...

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