NPDC Provides Inspiration For Meme Campaign
While out and about in New Plymouth last week, one of the VFF team saw these billboard ads sponsored by the New Plymouth District Council.
We looked at them and thought they’d missed a trick!
Two can play this game, NPDC!
Instead of lazily focusing on divisive labels of subsections of our society, we planned to highlight the real issues concerning Kiwis in New Zealand right now.
So, thanks for the idea NPDC – you’ve set our creative juices flowing!
Pop across to our Memes page to see the full campaign (we may add more if we get some fab suggestions from you all) and download and share your favourites with your friends and networks.
Also, be sure to check out our Voting Guide to find out which freedom candidates to vote for in your ‘hood’.
Thanks for reading and sharing! Remember to sign up to our mailing list to keep up with the latest news.
If you value what we are up to at Voices and would like to support our ongoing work you can donate to us and support our nationwide public education campaigns (webinars, flyers, billboards...) and other initiatives to speak up and push back for your freedoms.