VFF's Focus & Position On Umbrella Groups

VFF’s Focus & Position On Umbrella Groups

Published On: 30 September 2022| Categories: Editorial| 6.1 min read|

Every week we are invited to participate in other organisations in an arrangement often referred to as being in an “umbrella group.”

While we fully support Kiwis standing up and speaking out, we do not consider these umbrella organisations a good use of our time and resources.

Nor do we consider our participation in them an effective strategy to reach the people necessary to bring about meaningful change in New Zealand.

It goes without saying that people are free to support and attend any group that they like. However, VFF remains independent and not a part of any “umbrella group.”

The current attacks on our rights, freedoms and way of life are worldwide, multi-pronged, and designed to bamboozle, exhaust, and overwhelm any opposition.

We face instability and disruption in many areas, from food and health to energy and finance. Our approach to addressing these problems must be tailored to suit and must come in the form of a multifaceted push-back.

Standing resolute against tyrannical leaders and policies requires clear direction, laser focus, and firm boundaries. Independent groups are most vital when they remain within the scope of their particular expertise.

As the largest freedom organisation in New Zealand, we will continue to focus on specific projects and initiatives, keeping in line with our mission and vision. We hope this brings clarification and enables our communities to stay focused and continue moving forward.


VFF Connects 2022 Conference: Thank you to the generous support of our event sponsor who understood the vision and the value of bringing our wider team together in person.


We’ve said from the outset that VFF does things differently. We’ve observed enormous marches overseas, resulting in little change, and decided that we would take a much more creative and flexible approach.

We are always mindful of where best to place our energy and time. And carefully assess whether any potential action will successfully reach and engage the group we call the “wobbly middle”.

The recent intense media attention VFF has received validates our approach and our strategic decision-making thus far.

It is an acknowledgement that the authorities and the media recognise the critical role VFF plays in reaching everyday Kiwis with our reasonable messaging, practical resources, and professional approach. Our ability to operate smoothly in the mainstream environment is the reason we are aggressively targeted as the main threat to the narrative and the continuation of the status quo.

It is no mistake that we find ourselves in this position; we have worked hard to get here. Amalgamating, or formally associating, VFF with other groups with different approaches, styles, and boundaries risks weakening our strong position and would be a distraction from our successful strategic messaging. VFF’s participation in any umbrella organisation would be a disservice to the freedom community as such action would effectively remove the entry point to the movement.

Desperate times call for cool heads and informed rational decisions; we’ve succeeded in this respect so far and we trust you appreciate the consideration behind our current position as well.


Voices For Freedom is New Zealand’s largest and most well-organised freedom group after just 20 months. We are a genuine grassroots movement, the likes of which New Zealand has never seen before in terms of size, distribution, engagement, professionalism, and approach.

Our approach is based on our three pillars of freedom:

ADVOCACY: the pushback to slow down the advance of tyranny and to expose it wherever possible. This is ongoing and covers much of the legal efforts around supporting court cases, pro bono legal aid, OIA requests, and resources we create for people including, for example, template letters in respect of mandates and assisting people to legitimately obtain mask exemptions.

MEDIA: encapsulates our efforts to support people along their journey towards uncovering the truth. This is also ongoing and includes our Freedom TV, billboards and other media, flyers, pop-ups, social media, seminars, and other online and offline events and resources.

COMMUNITY: rebuilding the very foundation of our culture. We call this Rebuild Free. This is where local groups and grassroots initiatives play their most important role. It is all about connecting, supporting, and activating New Zealanders to stand up and speak out.



VFF Connects 2022 Conference: It’s amazing what can be achieved when people come together and work with a focus on a shared vision for the future.


  • +100,000 on subscriber database
  • +40,000 signed up in local groups
  • 19 Regional Coordinators
  • 130 Local Coordinators
  • 112 Local Groups
  • Over 1000 Sub Groups / Pods
  • 27 Contractors with Head Office covering IT, Legal, HR, Marketing/Comms & Operations
  • 5.5 million Flyers designed, printed & distributed nationwide by hand in letterboxes
  • 15,000 Corflute signs distributed nationwide to local groups for “Pop-Ups”
  • +3000 “Pop-Ups” carried out nationwide
  • +250 billboards/screens nationwide
  • +$500,000 funding to support everyday Kiwis via legal aid, legal helpline, templates, pro bono lawyers, and further funding to support important legal cases.



February 2022: Freedom Convoy To Parliament – Our VFF Sign Pop Ups lined the way from the top of the North Island to bottom of the South Island.


  • Coordinate dozens of “pop-ups” weekly around the country displaying peaceful mini protests and professionally designed signs.
  • Provide ongoing education of the population and our members via billboard campaigns, other media, flyers, pop-up events, webinars with local and international guests, various social media platforms, live in-person seminars, and other online and offline events and resources.
  • Bring greater awareness about local body elections. Our 100,000+ membership and moderate approach enable us to reach a large receptive audience and inspire them to engage in the democratic process on very short notice.
  • Support local body election candidates by providing access to platforms, helpful materials, and information, supplying reminders on rules, and preparing and sharing articles and “cliff notes” on key issues such as rates, sustainability/environment, Three Waters, etc.
  • Support court cases, pro bono legal aid, preparing and submitting formal Official Information Act (OIA) requests, preparing written submissions to Parliament select committees, and presenting oral submissions where we can.
  • Expend considerable time and funds in keeping a vast range of legal resources up to date and making these freely available on our website (for example, template letters relating to mandates and obtaining mask exemptions).
  • Connect, support, and encourage Kiwis to stand up and speak out to help rebuild our culture’s very foundation. We call this initiative “Rebuild Free” and it is where local groups and grassroots initiatives play their most important role. Part of this work involves the creation of a new website www.rebuildfree.com which includes a facility for members to share their knowledge and skills with the community. Rebuild Free has already resulted in numerous community gardens, local skill-sharing databases, and educational seminars on topics such as hunting, walkie-talkies, online security, first aid, and natural health.
  • Provide pro bono legal aid such as recently assisting 96 protesters arrested and charged with trespass and obtaining the discharge of all criminal charges for 90% of those we represented in respect of the occupation of Parliament earlier in the year.

Note: Video is best viewed in full screen and original 1080p quality Click here to read more about our recent VFF Connects Annual Conference.

Thanks for reading and sharing! Remember to sign up to our mailing list to keep up with the latest news.

If you value what we are up to at Voices and would like to support our ongoing work you can donate to us and support our nationwide public education campaigns (webinars, flyers, billboards...) and other initiatives to speak up and push back for your freedoms.

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