Cash = Freedom. Don’t Give It Up!
Cash = Freedom. Don’t Give It Up!
Cash = Freedom. Don’t Give It Up!
Discover The 7 Simple Steps To Keep Cash Alive & Preserve Your Freedom From The Power Hungry Banks…
Discover The 7 Simple Steps To Keep Cash Alive & Preserve Your Freedom From The Power Hungry Banks…
Discover The 7 Simple Steps To Keep Cash Alive & Preserve Your Freedom From The Power Hungry Banks…
Banks Are Trying To Abolish Cash – If You Let Them, They’ll CONTROL YOU!
Banks Are Trying To Abolish Cash – If You Let Them, They’ll CONTROL YOU!
What Exactly Is Happening To Cash?
What Exactly Is Happening To Cash?
For the past decade, banks have been subtly and insidiously phasing cash out of circulation. Much like a python chokes its prey, banks are restricting the flow of cash by imposing ever-increasing limits on its use and availability.
By lowering cash withdrawal limits, strategically closing ATMs and bank branches, and collaborating with governments to impose legal obligations to declare smaller and smaller cash transactions, banks are making cash increasingly difficult to use.
As a result, business owners have to travel further to deposit their earnings and struggle to withdraw what they need to operate, which directly impacts consumers’ ability to transact with cash.
This strategy has been executed gradually over many years to avoid detection, under the guise of promoting “transparency” and protecting against “fraud” and “terrorism”.
In reality, the goal is to push society towards a completely cashless system where every transaction is tracked, monitored, and controlled by a central authority.
Why Is Cash So Important To Your Personal Freedom?
Why Is Cash So Important To Your Personal Freedom?
Cash fulfils two vital functions:
- Untraceable Privacy: Cash provides complete untraceable privacy over your spending. Banks and governments cannot monitor your spending habits or restrict your usage.
- Reliability During Outages: Cash still works during internet and power outages, whether planned or unplanned.
Once cash is eliminated, it’s game over. The phasing out of cash by banks is fundamentally about transferring power from the many (us) to the few (them).
If you surrender your cash, banks and governments will gain complete control over your spending, and thus, control over you.
Want to buy organic vegetables, real meat, or drive a petrol car? If these choices are deemed to contribute to the “climate crisis,” your access to digital money could be cut off with the flick of a switch.
Criticise the government? Your digital funds could be frozen, leaving you financially stranded.
What Can You Do About It?
What Can You Do About It?
The best hope is to fight to retain cash now.
That starts by getting the bring back cash action plan, and actually doing it.