Masks Matter More Than You Think – Here’s Why…
Despite every other nation around the world having largely abandoned masks because, well, they don’t work, Jacinda is going hard at it again – flogging this horse for as long as she possibly can…
Why? Because she knows masks are essential for maintaining fear and compliance. They’re also symbolic of the loss of our freedom of speech.
What most people don’t realise is that masks are actually the linchpin of the entire Covid narrative…
Not because they reduce the spread of any virus, but because they’re a visual cue that prompts fear, submission, and conformity.
In other words, masks are a simple tool that gives the government immense control, which is why they’re spending vast amounts of your tax dollars to keep them around.
They know that without them, their whole narrative could come crashing down.
Know Your Rights & Say Goodbye To Masks For Good…
Stay Informed With New Zealand’s Fastest Growing Freedom Movement (100,000+ Strong and Counting)
Watch Mask Info Videos
Stephen Petty: PPE Expert – the truth about cloth masks and N95
How we went from being told not to wear masks, to being mandated to wear them
Dr Gary Sidley: The face mask is an ineffective, harmful compliance device
They are keeping fear in our face, literally! The real reason they want us wearing masks
Masking children: All harm and no benefit
Dr Guy Hatchard: Multiple harms associated with wearing face masks
Mask Mini-Kit