The Risks Are Real
The following story was written by Ashleigh, fiancé of Rory Nairn the young man aged 26 years, who died suddenly in the days following his Covid vaccination.
I’d like to share Rory’s story.
As many of you may know my fiancé Rory passed away on the morning of 17 November 2021.
I believe my partner was a victim of an adverse cardiac reaction caused by the Covid vaccination.
Rory regretfully had his first Covid vaccination on the morning of the 5th of November. He started feeling heart flutters that evening, we put this down to stress as we were in the process of selling and buying a house and planning a wedding.
We never, ever considered the events that followed.
Rory began having heart palpitations regularly at night, and again, we thought this was stress. 12 days later, Rory was up and down again during the night with his heart palpitations and an ‘uncomfortable’ feeling in his chest. We finally decided to head to the hospital at 3am for reassurance.
Within moments, Rory went into cardiac arrest and died instantly in our home.
After 40 minutes of attempts/ CPR from the paramedics, he was pronounced dead.
He was 26 years old, with no pre-existing medical conditions. He played rugby, went diving and hunting on the weekends, worked hard as a plumber, and had his whole life ahead of him.
We had our whole lives ahead of us!
Initial Autopsy report: unknown cause of death.
The further report focused on heart problems took an extended amount of time to receive final conclusion. The pathologist concluded that Rory died from vaccine-induced myocarditis and pericarditis.
I initially stated that Rory had chest pains prior to the Covid vaccination and commented this on posts. This was in hopes of getting insensitive posts regarding his death removed, while we went through a time of utmost hell and grief.
The media attention we received was overwhelming and unwelcome.
I have questions:
- Why are young and fit people experiencing heart issues?
- Why are Covid vaccine-related deaths not reported on our 1pm updates or any media releases?
- Why is the government protecting the elderly from Covid-19, but not protecting healthy young men from this vaccine?
If we had known about these issues, maybe we would have thought twice about this, and Rory would still be with us.
For our families, this is about informed consent.
Why are we not told about these side effects and what to do if we experience them?
We need to talk about this.
Ever since Rory passed, I have had multiple people contacting me with their stories of their experiences (mostly cardiovascular-related). Personally, I have had both shots and was previously pro-vaccine, so have been on both sides of the fence blindly following misinformation.
I urge anyone who experiences any heart symptoms post-Covid vaccination to seek medical advice at a hospital immediately.
Please share this post to spread awareness about heart-related side effects due to the Covid vaccine.
26-year-olds should not be going into cardiac arrest.
This is Rory’s story